Chicken dances……

It has been over a month since we “committed” (so to speak) Aliyah.

Committed is a great word because a) you have to be very committed to this process to make it work, b) you have to be committed for not being in your right mind!!  Jokes aside, I am thoroughly loving every minute of my experience because when I made my mind up to make the move to Israel, I committed myself 100% to making it work.

People who have had a successful Aliyah will tell you that it is all about attitude. Okay, that and a sense of humour! But it is true. Make the effort and do so with a positive attitude and you will reap rewards.

Aliyah is also about starting again and not taking yourself too seriously. You have to understand that you are almost rediscovering the world, albeit in a different language. I find this strangely liberating. You also have to be prepeared to make a total fool of yourself on occasion. An example of this would be setting off to the butchery to order chicken breasts.

Now the Snert and I make a habit of taking our dictionary everywhere we go or at least try to learn a few words a day. We do look ridiculous standing in stores, dictionary in tow. Don’t fall into the “you can get away with english, everyone speaks it” trap. Make learning Hebrew a priority if you want to integrate, get a great job and of course find out what people are saying about you!

So off to the butchery we go and for the life of me I could not remember the term chazeh off (chicken breasts). This almost resulted in me doing a frantic chicken dance while pointing to the obvious.Imagine the look on the butcher’s face! Anyhoo, managed to get my point across and have a good laugh at the experience.

You will also learn that there are really good people out there. The Ex-Saffers here in Modiin have been truly exceptional. We have wanted for nothing and are making really good friends. People will want to share their experiences with you. Listen to them. Advice is greatly appreciated. My only advice to people wanting to help Olim Chadashim is remember that this is all new for us. It is one thing to dispense with words of wisdom, it is another to enforce your experience on to others.

Everybody’s Aliyah experience is different. Mine is completely different to Snert’s. What is frustrating to some is a breeze for others and everybody’s reasons for leaving wherever they came from are different. There is no right or wrong way to feel. Enjoy your process and remember it is YOUR Aliyah. Own your experience!!!

 One of the pitfalls that nobody can prepare you for is distance from people you love. When someone you love experinces a tragedy, it is agonising to not be able to be there physically for them. This hurts and you have to give thanks to the gods of Facebook, Skype and cellular technology.

 Tuesday morning we start ulpan. I never thought that I would be headed off to “school” at 34 years of age!! Kinda looking forward to it…….

For me, it is another brick in the wall. Another segment of a puzzle I am putting together to create a wonderful life in my new home.

So, anyone wanna do the chicken dance with me….?

8 thoughts on “Chicken dances……

  1. I remember a similar experience only it was trying to by a brisket and it is also “Hazeh basar”, only I didn’t have to point to my chest(well, mine is definitely not as interesting as a woman’s, especially to a male butcher) but thank G-d there was an older woman there who understood my Yiddish cause I was trying to say brisket as “Brust deckel,” but the butcher was, alas, from Iraq!
    Some butchers have charts intheir shops, but you sometimes have to ask for them, with pictures of all the cuts of meat in translation or spelled in Hebrew with English or Russian letters.
    Have fun in Ulpan, it’s a great to make friends who are trying to dance like chickens too, sometimes!


  2. Dear Rolene,
    Kol hakavod! You certainly have the right attitude – and may I add one more thing, most important, be flexible. One of the biggest mistakes olim make is expecting things in Israel to be done the same way as in USA, SA, England etc., and often return to their countries of origin because of it. That things are done differently is part of the experience…

    I was virtually the same age as you when I came – this June will be 30 years!….and I still love it and would not live anywhere else.

    So, good luck and keep smiling!


  3. i know how you feel Ro, had to get some medication from the pharmacy and pharmacist didnt speak English….was very interesting trying to explain my symptoms!!!!


  4. Well done to you and snert. It seems you have the correct mindset. I am quite envious of your experience. Imagine the stories that will be told late in life.


  5. Rolen and Snert – we think you are doing just great! Your attitude is 100% correct. Good luck with the Ulpan – it is most important and, at your age, you will learn easily!

    We came here some 12+ years ago at a considerably older age. We have never regretted our move for a single second – this is HOME! Nothing compares with home!




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